Let's Get Quizzy (Quiz Making 101)

Searching for ‘quiz’ on Oprah Winfrey’s website generates 200 results. Answer a few questions and you can find out your emotional age, whether you have a clutter problem, and your holiday decorating personality.
In fact, Oprah’s been making quizzes since way back in 2009 whilst the rest of us were heading to the cinema to watch Avatar and learning the dance moves to the newly released Single Ladies by Beyonce. So what does Oprah Oprah’s marketing team know about quizzes that we don’t?
Possibly the world's greatest lead generator
On average, quizzes have a conversion rate of 40%, and some industries even see higher rates than that! That means that for every 10 people who take your quiz, 4 of them are likely to become a lead for your business.
Ok Oprah, you have our attention!
But here's the catch: creating a successful lead generating quiz takes some skill. You need to structure your quiz in a way that captures the participant's attention and gets them excited about what you have to offer. For example, you can guide the participant through the quiz questions and then offer them a personalised report in exchange for their email address. It's a win-win situation: the participant gets valuable insights, and you get a new lead for your mailing list.
Using quizzes as part of your email marketing strategy has several benefits:
Personalisation: By tailoring your quiz questions and results to each individual user, you can create a more personalised experience that resonates with your audience and builds trust.
Segmentation: Using quiz responses to segment your email list allows you to send more targeted and relevant content to your subscribers, which can lead to higher engagement and conversions.
Fun and engaging: Quizzes are a fun and interactive way to engage with your audience and can help increase brand awareness and loyalty.
Second time’s a charm
Eighteen months ago I saw Chanti Zak (A.K.A Quiz Queen) giving a talk on quizzes. It was so interesting but I came away from it with the mindset of “this is a great lead gen strategy, I’ll TELL all my clients about this”.
I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t seize the opportunity properly. Quizzes are a crazy, amazing way to connect with your clients and customers (the exact reason I love email).
Then this summer my attitude shifted, my enthusiasm sparked by another talk on quizzes, this time from Dawn Petrin. Dawn was so god-dang enthusiastic, and she shared so much knowledge that it finally clicked. This time I came away thinking, “this is a great lead gen strategy. I’ll start DOING this for my clients”.
I rolled up my sleeves to get stuck in.
Behind-the-scenes of Flic Email’s first quiz
My learning started with creating a quiz for my own website. I signed up to Interact’s 14 day free trial to scope it out. Was the quiz making platform really as easy-to-use as Chanti and Dawn made it out to be?!
It was.
I found a ready-made quiz template which fitted my needs exactly; How Strong is Your Email Marketing Strategy? Then navigated my way through the builder, tweaking the questions and making the copy ‘mine’ and connecting it to my Mailchimp account.
Here’s a little sneak peek…
Quiz making 101
So what have I learnt through the ‘doing’ process? Well, when it comes to creating a quiz, there are a few key points that can make the process more enjoyable and successful.
Firstly, it's important to start with research. Get to know your audience by spending time where they hang out online, reading their favorite blogs or forums, and even interviewing them directly. By understanding their needs and interests, you can create quiz questions and answers that will resonate with them.
Next, think about your goals for the quiz. Do you want to showcase your expertise or promote specific products? Keep these goals in mind as you design your quiz, and always "start with the end in mind," as the fabulous Dawn would say.
Now, let's talk about the setup. Use images to activate the brain, ignite the imagination, and make the quiz more enjoyable overall. Visual elements can also keep participants engaged and curious about what's coming next.
When crafting quiz questions, strive for balance. Your quiz should include a mix of fun and engaging questions, as well as more practical ones that help you gather relevant information about your audience. And remember, people love to talk about themselves, so be sure to include questions that allow them to do just that.
To keep things fun and relevant, aim for 10 questions or fewer. This will ensure that participants can complete the quiz quickly and easily.
Finally, the results should be positive and valuable. You want people to feel good about themselves after taking your quiz, and ideally, they will be eager to share their results with others. Follow up with participants after they complete the quiz, providing them with additional information about your business and how you can help them.